I apologize if I'm ruining Lower Desk for anyone, but the latest episode posed and interesting question, that I'd like to linger on.
The episode ("TITLE OF EPISODE") ends up having a Starfleet vessel from another dimension reveal that in their universe they prioritized traveling between dimensions to see the different ways humans evolve and change rather than explore the universe.
It's an interesting way to have a team like the Exiles or similar who needs a plot mechanic to travel between dimensions. But, it's also not something we've seen explored to death in genre fiction. Because you know there are some academics and scientists who'd love to be able to find out "what happened if X happened instead?" the same way there are some who ask, "what is life like on other planets?"
- I always thought Data and Geordie's relationship is one of the bedrocks of Star Trek: TNG
ALEXIS, wearing a SHIELD T-shirt and jeans, walks into the small local pizzeria and goes up to the counter.
At the counter is a young teenager. A small name tag on his breast pocket reveals his name as BRAD. He smiles at her.
BRAD: How may I help you?
ALEXIS: Hi, I’m Alexis Mundi. Here to pick up an order for two pizzas.
Brad frowns as he looks at the screen in front of him.
BRAD: Hmm. Nope, I'm sorry. I don’t see an Alexis Mundi here.
ALEXIS: Are you sure? I called it in earlier. You said it’d take 30 minutes.
BRAD: Well, I'm afraid you're not showing up
ALEXIS: Can you double-check?
BRAD: Sure.
He looks at the screen again
BRAD (reading off the screen): Nope. We have a Chris Brand, we got a Craig Roberts, and an Alexis Monday.
Alexis perks up.
ALEXIS: Oh, that’s me. Alexis Mundi. You know. The famous… Read More